Archive for the 'personal' Category

Tiger Feet

Given that Tiger Feet really hates spiders, maybe it’s not so nice to begin this post about her blog with a picture of one.

Still, she’s also quite funny and this particular spider, which resides on her wonderful personal blog, isn’t really all that scary.

If someone can make you laugh about the rotten weather in Manchester, and get you to cheer her on as she loses weight, then she’s created a very fine personal blog.


Well, after a long hiatus I finally bring you another offering from the fine editors at bestblog.

Have you ever wondered what went on inside the mind of a young woman? Well, Abby over at the Mennogirl blog has decided to give us a glimpse into just that.

Abby is a current Chicago resident who has dedicated her blog to the purpose of self expression. As she says:

I don’t tend to write about much beyond the random thoughts that enter my head, so if you are looking for consistently amazing writing, biting social commentary, deep personal revelations you might want to look elsewhere. But if you are up for some randomness with a bit of dorkiness and a twist of wit, welcome.

Indeed, the writings of mennogirl are rather random but still quite engaging and personable. So for a bit of dorky randomness (in a good way) check out Mennogirl.

– Tylor

Joni Ruhs

In light of it being the day commonly known as Christmas Eve I thought it would be appropriate to bring you a family oriented best blog. So in that spirit I am happy to present to you Joni Ruhs.

Joni is a stay-at-home mom who has, as she puts it, “lots of thoughts on lots of things.” This, thankfully, is something that works to our benefit for Joni manages to blog away the daily trials and joys of family life (as well as her own personal thoughts) with more than sufficient humor, candor, and insight. One of my own personal favorites was Joni’s musings on the issue of teaching Santa to children.

So to satisfy the family-oriented part of all of us I would encourage checking out Joni Ruhs, yet another honoree in our December Blog a day.

photo, “Merry Christmas-From Me & My Tree”, by Kate McElwee.

Natalia Antonova

Natalia Antonova was born in Kiev, went to Duke and writes like an angel. Her blog is unclassifiable, but for once that’s not a criticism. I loved it and wish I had several days to read everything she’s written. I don’t, not if I have any hope of keeping my family fed and myself employed. But in the time I spent there, this made me want to cry. This had me howling. And this photo of a gorgeous footballer from Chelsea made me wish I was British, just so maybe I’d run into him someday in the pouring rain and he’d hand me an umbrella or something.

How did I find this one? I went over to Ms. Hedonistic Pleasure Seeker, featured a few days ago, and looked around her blogroll and there Natalia was.

How do we at Best Blog on WordPress find YOU? Email us and tell us what a great blog you or someone you know has! bestblogonwordpress(at)yahoo(dot)com will work if you want us to take a look for the December Blog a Day.

White Thoughts No-One Sees

The discovery of today’s best blog came about in a slightly different manner than my usual method. This blog was actually one I stumbled upon via a pingback on our “Blog a Day” post. Apparently Kerryn thought it would be interesting to write about us instead of the other way around. So, now to the review.

White Thoughts No-One Sees is a personal blog written by a woman named Kerryn. Kerryn is an Australian who is apparently not afraid of a challenge which is evidenced in her latest post telling of her desire to “read a book that I want to hurl against the wall in a fit of pique.” In all seriousness, though, Kerryn seems to be a blogger with a knack for expressing her thoughts and reporting the events of her life with wit and wisdom.

Some andecdotes of note include (but are not limited to):

Overall, White Thoughts No-One Sees is a well written and personable account of the life and thoughts of this Austrailian woman of many roles.

A nice find for our December Blog-a-day.

No Dependencies No Logo

Without question, No Dependencies No Logo is one of the finest blogs on WordPress.  No Dependencies No Logo is an astonishingly simple, elegant blog, a blog that demonstrates what you can do with the tools available from WordPress.  Nils, its proprietor, is a very good writer.  He can take a subject as seemingly ordinary as cleaning his keyboard, and raise it to new heights.   You’ll find everything from meditations on good grammar to interesting discussions of good design, to movies and books on this blog.  What unifies the blog is Nils’s unique point of view and his wonderful writing.

Nils is a member of the 9Rules network, and his blog exemplifies the high standards of 9Rules.

We’re proud to feature him today on our December Blog A Day.

Hedonistic Pleasure Seeker

Here’s a fun blog. Hedonistic Pleasure Seeker brings you tales of the pleasures of a life well lived: food, art, botox, lingerie, kitty prints, beautiful men, and the occasional book review.

Hedonistic Pleasure Seeker’s got a great voice, one I’ve been listening to off and on for months. She’s funny and cheeky and likely to inspire you to go buy some good shoes for yourself or someone you dream of pleasing or to put on a kitten print dress and do something you’ve never thought you’d do before. What that is, I leave to you and to Hedonistic Pleasure Seeker to explore in more depth.

A wonderful find for our first December Blog A Day.

60 Seconds of…


Now here’s a cool site that I ran into while clicking through the next button. He’s a C++/Java developer from England for an investment bank and he loves to take photographs. There’s something simple and yet beautiful about his site. You’ll see what I mean. If I could sum it up in one sentance, I would say that I like his site because he appears so human.

His name is Irwan Widarto.

Still Learning Dad

Still Learning Dad is the personal blog of Shane Arthur, a college ministry worker at ODU. Just a quick overview of the site will give you the impression that this author is a bookworm with a full and active outside life.

Still Learning Dad is striking in its balanced approach to the author’s life. While this blog is not at all lacking in spiritual and personal insight the author also takes the time to write on those small events that make life full. With a conversational and personable tone Shane manages to blend the insightful with the daily in a way that breaks down the divide between the two.

Tim The Foolman

A Fool and His Words Are Soon Parted

Tim, the author of A Fool and His Words Are Soon Parted, isn’t foolish. Like most court jesters, he just tells it like he sees it. Turns out, he has wise and interesting things to say about technology, parenting, books, and, my favorite, career limiting moments (CLMs).

(Saturday morning blogroll found Tim while scrolling through tags for “vacation.” Turns out, there’s a lot more to Tim than just that.)


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