Archive for the 'perspective' Category

Joni Ruhs

In light of it being the day commonly known as Christmas Eve I thought it would be appropriate to bring you a family oriented best blog. So in that spirit I am happy to present to you Joni Ruhs.

Joni is a stay-at-home mom who has, as she puts it, “lots of thoughts on lots of things.” This, thankfully, is something that works to our benefit for Joni manages to blog away the daily trials and joys of family life (as well as her own personal thoughts) with more than sufficient humor, candor, and insight. One of my own personal favorites was Joni’s musings on the issue of teaching Santa to children.

So to satisfy the family-oriented part of all of us I would encourage checking out Joni Ruhs, yet another honoree in our December Blog a day.

photo, “Merry Christmas-From Me & My Tree”, by Kate McElwee.

White Thoughts No-One Sees

The discovery of today’s best blog came about in a slightly different manner than my usual method. This blog was actually one I stumbled upon via a pingback on our “Blog a Day” post. Apparently Kerryn thought it would be interesting to write about us instead of the other way around. So, now to the review.

White Thoughts No-One Sees is a personal blog written by a woman named Kerryn. Kerryn is an Australian who is apparently not afraid of a challenge which is evidenced in her latest post telling of her desire to “read a book that I want to hurl against the wall in a fit of pique.” In all seriousness, though, Kerryn seems to be a blogger with a knack for expressing her thoughts and reporting the events of her life with wit and wisdom.

Some andecdotes of note include (but are not limited to):

Overall, White Thoughts No-One Sees is a well written and personable account of the life and thoughts of this Austrailian woman of many roles.

A nice find for our December Blog-a-day.

Travelling Through The Wire

Travelling Through The Wire

given the gift it takes you higher

Info junkies, your eyes will immediately brighten as the machine reveals to you its universe of astronomy, philosophy, society and more.

Not to be missed too is the selection of quotations, views cutting across time and space.

I Play Bass: The Porn of Text

It wasn’t until 5th grade that I was instructed on what a condom was and how to use it. It was a great moment in my life – I finally got it.

If good porn could be fabricated into text, this blog woud be it. Allow me to introduce you to “I Play Bass” the blog devoted to sex, porn and any news related to those two topics.

But seriously don’t let the subject matter scare you away. “I Play Bass” is extremely well written and covers a wide arrange of topics such as sex trafficking and parental controls. I hope everyone has the time to recognize this truely wonderful blog.



A blog about porn and how it is all around us

Not Tammy. But porn in the halls of academia. How interesting, blogging porn for class. And this one too. And so is this.


(aside: Interesting that college is using blog for class. This is certainly a trend. And choosing too!)

From the Desert to the Sea

From the Desert to the Sea… by John Stodder

Observations from an interlude in exile.

Art, politics, science, history, business, music, mindshare, news, sports, technology, blog, writing. The blogroll itself is enough reason to visit. Things that make John enthusiastic, curious, angry and amused.



…and why not?

Quilpish? or How To Bathe The Cat. Zed had came a long way since.

What do you make of it?

Conscious Connections

Conscious Connections

The shortest distance between the past and the future is now.

Gem of an addition to the blogosphere. Challenge and transcend your thoughts, watch for forthcoming themes.


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