Archive for the 'World Cup' Category

Saturday Morning Blogroll: Tag, You’re It

As you must have noticed by now, WordPress has treated us to a riff on tags that’s a ton of fun and well worth looking at. You can read more about it here, if you haven’t already. And so, today, we’re going to play tag.

I began by looking at a couple of tags on subjects I guessed would be of interest to a lot of us. In the end, one was the obvious choice. It’s the thing that’s more important than anything else this weekend and no, I’m not talking about North Korea, Gaza or the elections in Mexico.

You got it. I’m talking about World Cup. Football. Futbol. Fussball. Not soccer.

Looking at the World Cup tags, a clear favorite emerged, limited somewhat by the fact that the only language I speak is English. (she hangs her head in shame.)

So check this guy out. He’s English, and he loves football so much that even though his blog began as a way to pay homage to the University of Southern California Trojans, the quintessential American college football team, he was drawn to world cup blogging, like a moth to a flame. No, make that a football fan to a pub.

And for people who aren’t major world cup fans, here’s a delicious alternative — an Australian couple who are cooking in sync with World Cup teams. I liked The World Cup and Plate a lot.

So — Tag, you’re it. Tell us about your favorite tags and the blogs that go along with them. (As long as it’s not in the middle of the match!)

And whether you are rooting for France or for Italia, enjoy the game!


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